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Classic Rock, County

Playing Classic Rock - Country & Blues - Everything from A - Z Live radio broadcasts daily but streaming 24/7. Kent Radio has all you need for special occasions such as Birthday Parties - Private Functions - Corporate Parties. Always updating the music to fit the needs of listeners requests - Tune In and let us know what you think.

Radio Dashboard

Broadcast Started 12 hours ago
Listeners: 5
Now Playing:
Stream Info:
Title: kentradio
Description: Classic Rock
Genre: Various
Website: http://www.audiorealm.com
Bitrate: 64

More information

Always a good time at Kent Radio - Streaming 24/7 Join us for some great music and special guests. You never know what Cousin Clemm and Donkey will be up to. Never a dull moment - Glad to be a part of The Southern Rock Group and their great lineup of DJ's as well as an independent operator. Drop in any of the clubs we are playing in or just tune us in.

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